How to Predict Divorce in Muslim Marriages: The 4 Marriage Killers

Predict Divorce with High Accuracy

Did you know that research shows you can predict divorce with a high degree of accuracy? That’s right, there are some things that can kill any marriage, and Muslim marriages are no different. But don’t worry, you can avoid these problems and build a strong, healthy relationship with your partner by taking certain steps.

Read on to find out what the four horsemen of marriage are and how to avoid them in your Muslim marriage. You’ll also learn how to follow the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to build a relationship based on love, respect, and understanding.

The First Horseman: Criticism

The first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Muslim marriages is criticism, so let’s get started on that.


Criticism is when, rather than addressing a specific behavior or action, you criticize your partner’s personality or character. It’s an all-encompassing attack on your spouse’s character rather than just a simple complaint or concern.

An illustration of criticism in a Muslim marriage is as follows:  “You never help me with the housework. You’re so lazy and selfish.” Do you recognize how this statement is both a complaint and a criticism of your spouse’s personality? It’s crucial to realize that criticism can take on a variety of shapes and that frequently, how you say something matters more than what you say.

Why is a Muslim marriage vulnerable to criticism? It’s simple. Problems cannot be solved through criticism. In actuality, it frequently causes more issues than it resolves. Your spouse is likely to feel attacked and defensive when you criticize them, which can cause a breakdown in intimacy and communication. The love and respect you have for each other can erode over time as a result of constant criticism, and it will be challenging to undo the harm.


How then can you keep your Muslim marriage free from criticism? The trick is to figure out how to voice your concerns in a constructive manner. Using “I” statements rather than “you” statements is one way to achieve this. For instance, instead of saying “You never help me with the housework,” you could say “I feel overwhelmed when I have to do all the housework by myself.”  By doing this, you can communicate your feelings without seeming to be attacking your partner.

Another piece of advice is to concentrate on particular actions or behaviors rather than criticizing your partner personally. For instance, as opposed to saying “You’re so lazy and selfish,” you could say “I noticed that you didn’t help with the housework today. Is everything okay?” By doing so, you can address the particular behavior without criticizing your spouse’s character.


To sum up, criticism is the first horseman of the apocalypse in Muslim marriages, and it’s important to understand how it can harm your union. You can prevent the negative effects of criticism and create a stronger, more fulfilling marriage by learning how to express your concerns in a constructive manner.

The Second Horseman: Contempt

Contempt is a cunning little horseman who can enter a marriage uninvited. It’s that attitude of superiority or contempt you might have toward your partner, as if they were somehow beneath you. When your partner says something you disagree with, you might scoff or roll your eyes, or you might use more overt insults or name-calling.

Contempt, however it manifests, is a perilous force in a marriage. It undermines the very principles of love, respect, and kindness that are so crucial to our faith as Muslims. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us to treat our partners with kindness and compassion and to abstain from any actions that might harm or antagonize them.


Contempt is the antithesis of gentleness and compassion. It makes it more difficult to find common ground and resolve conflicts between partners because it drives a wedge and breeds resentment. This can eventually cause a breakdown in communication and a lack of emotional intimacy, which can lead to divorce.

In your Muslim marriage, it’s crucial to develop an attitude of empathy and understanding for your spouse in order to avoid falling into the pit of contempt. Even if you disagree with them, try to view the situation from their point of view. Even if you don’t agree with them, try to validate their feelings and opinions by engaging in active listening.


And never forget the Prophet’s advice to treat our partners with respect and kindness. You can help maintain the strength and health of your marriage by making a conscious effort to refrain from disrespectful behavior.

The Third Horseman: Defensiveness

When we feel attacked or judged, as humans, we frequently become defensive. Defensiveness, however, can lead to the breakdown of a marriage. Defensiveness can show up in a number of ways, including refusing to accept responsibility for one’s errors, blaming others for relationship issues, or providing justifications for one’s actions.

A marriage suffers from defensiveness because it prevents communication and problem-solving. The other partner may feel ignored or invalidated when one partner is defensive, which can fuel resentment and cause the conflict to escalate. This can gradually erode the couple’s emotional intimacy and sense of trust, making it challenging to uphold a strong marriage.


In a Muslim marriage, it’s crucial to foster an atmosphere of open communication and empathy to prevent defensiveness. This entails paying attention to your partner’s needs and concerns without jumping to conclusions or shifting the blame. Instead, make an effort to own up to your errors and collaborate with the other party to come up with solutions. Keep in mind that for a marriage to succeed, both partners must be responsible and accountable for their actions.

Exercises in self-reflection and self-awareness are also beneficial. Take a step back and consider why you’re feeling defensive when you catch yourself doing so. Is there a more serious problem that needs to be resolved? Do you feel stressed or overburdened? Understanding the source of your defensiveness will help you address it and stop it from disrupting your marriage further.


Defensiveness can be particularly harmful in a Muslim marriage because it contradicts the values of truthfulness, responsibility, and introspection that our religion promotes. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the value of owning up to one’s mistakes and making an effort to better oneself. You can build a more solid and satisfying marriage that upholds the principles of our faith by eschewing defensiveness and embracing self-reflection and empathy instead.

The Fourth Horseman: Stonewalling

Okay, so we’ve covered three of the four marital horsemen that can indicate divorce in Muslim marriages. Let’s get into the fourth one right away: stonewalling. This occurs when one partner emotionally shuts down and withdraws from the conversation or interaction. The term “stonewalling” refers to this as though they are creating a barrier between themselves and their spouse.


It may show up in a variety of ways. One spouse may stop responding to their partner’s communication attempts by responding with a single word or by not responding at all. Alternately, they might leave the area physically by leaving the house or even just walking out of the room. The other spouse may feel abandoned, hurt, and rejected as a result of this.

But why does stonewalling affect a marriage so negatively? Well, it can make the other spouse feel as though their feelings or opinions don’t matter when one spouse refuses to budge. It can be challenging to overcome the distance and disconnect it causes in the relationship. If stonewalling persists over time, it may weaken the marriage’s foundation and result in divorce.


How then can you keep your Muslim marriage from being blocked? Being conscious of when it’s happening is the first step. Take a step back and try to figure out what’s making you feel that way if you start to withdraw or shut down. Perhaps you need some time away from the conversation to relax or gather your thoughts. In order to prevent your partner from feeling in the dark, it is crucial to communicate with them and let them know what is happening.

Active listening is another important skill. This entails paying close attention to what your partner is saying and making an effort to understand it, even if you don’t share their viewpoint. Setting some ground rules for communication, such as speaking in turns and avoiding interruptions, can also be helpful.


Keep in mind that while stonewalling can be a serious problem in a marriage, it is not insurmountable. You can prevent stonewalling and create a stronger, healthier Muslim marriage by being aware of it, communicating with your spouse, and honing your listening skills.

Compassion and Kindness

In this article, we discussed some significant issues regarding the four horsemen of marriage that can seriously harm a Muslim marriage. Criticism, contempt, being on the defensive, and stonewalling are these four things. It’s crucial to understand that while it’s normal to feel these things in any relationship, you need to be able to spot when they start to negatively impact your marriage.

Remembering the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) counsel is also essential. He always emphasized the value of showing compassion and kindness to our partners. He instilled in us the virtues of patience, forgiveness, avoiding rage and resentment, and pursuing harmony in our interpersonal interactions. We can create a marriage based on love, respect, and understanding by imitating his example.


In conclusion, avoiding the four horsemen of marriage can greatly aid you in preserving a strong and enduring relationship and ultimately preventing divorce. You can create a solid and enduring relationship with your partner that upholds the principles of our faith by prioritizing healthy communication and adhering to the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) instructions.

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